Pokémon Regional Championships 2024
Created city-specific illustrations for the 2024 East Coast Regional Championship for Pokémon TCG. Designed to be a set with a cohesive look. Inspired by the idea of the pokéball and a world or environment within that each pokémon resides in. I highlighted iconic areas of each destination, bringing emphasis on a foreground layer of the illustration and kept it colorful and fun. Matching the vibe of Pokémon itself. The illustrations then applied (by Overload Events) to multiple places, such as badges, social media, signage, etc.
Pittsburgh, PA
Being known as the Steel City, focusing on the popular steel bridge was a no brainer with the rest of the city as a backdrop. Leaned into the yellow, which is heavily tied with the city and the bridge itself.
Toronto, ON
Included multiple accented colors in the city name to mimic the TORONTO sign in the illustrated Nathan Phillips Square. I chose a night scene to bring out the wonderful colors lit up.